Tuesday, October 2

Best Workout Tip Ever

Leonard Rogalski gives what he considers "the best workout tip" EVER:

The tip I am going to give to you today I got from my younger brother (of 2 years).

One day out of the blue he asked me why I increased the weight on my exercises every time I worked out.

I replied, well I got my targeted number of reps, so I felt I should increase the weight, to drop the reps back down.

True, my brother replied, but I watched you do your last couple of sets of dead lifts ( a wonderful exercise that when done correctly works a ton of muscles in the body) and you looked like you were about to pass out. Don’t you think you would be wise to keep the weight the same for at least a couple of workouts, better yet keep the weight the same until you are not scared of it anymore, when you know without a shadow of a doubt you can get all of your reps, and you do, without having to kill yourself. Then, he went on to say, you will know that your body and almost more importantly your mind has adjusted to the weight, so then and only then should you increase the weight.

Click here to read "the rest of the story"

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