Monday, April 21

Obama Can't Be Our President!

I probably shouldn't pontificate about politics or religion on my company website; however I enjoy both subjects so I'm going to start talking about them. So...after the ongoing battle between Hillary and Barack you'd probably think I'm going to weigh in on some crucial issue? But actually, it's something else: it's Obama's bowling! I have been wondering how a person who bowls a legitimate 37 can POSSIBLY run the world's greatest nation? Now I just took a 10 year-old boy to the bowling alley a couple weeks ago and he's only bowled a couple times in his life - and he managed a 68! I bet Hillary, Bill, Bush, Condi, McCain, McCain's wife, Ralph Nader, and the Bush's dog, Spot, could beat a 37!! Do you realize how humiliating that is? Obama couldn't get more than 4 pins per frame! I have always observed how well Presidents throw out the first pitch at baseball games - but PLEASE: Keep Obama away from the pitcher's mound! It would be so embarrassing to our country. I can already see it! We need a leader that has some kind of athletic ability to go along with their intellect and leadership. I don't want to cringe on Opening Day!

by Chris Scully

1 comment:

James said...

LOL.. did you know Barack "Barry" Obama was an outstanding BBall player in high school.